Discovering Joy With Roy is a video teaching series by Roy Lawson that helps us find the depths of joy found in Christ as dive into Scripture.

Roy Lawson - Senior Associate Pastor - NCC

Roy Lawson is the Senior Associate Pastor at Northwest Christian Church. 


In This Series, Roy Lawson will go through the Book of James, chapter by chapter.

Sometimes we go through rough times and we just don’t feel like pretending everything is okay. During this series, Roy will help us discover the reasons we might struggle with having joy and ways we can discover our smile again.

The Beatitudes found in the book of Matthew can sometimes be difficult to understand. In this series, Roy helps us understand each part.

The book of Philippians is often known as the book of joy. Roy will help us find the jewels of joy written by Paul to the church in Philippi.

Based on his book called “With A Strength Not My Own,” Roy will help us focus on where our strength comes from.

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