New And Upcoming
Here are the latest events happening across our church. This central section has all the latest information, including dates, times, registration links and signup forms. If the event is being hosted at a particular campus, that will be noted in the event description. We hope you can join us as we do life together as a church family.
Starting back up on January 12
We believe Life Groups are the best way to Connect, Grow and Serve with other people at NCC. In our Life Groups you will be encouraged through Bible study, prayer, and connecting with others. Learn more!
McMinnville: Tuesdays, 6pm, dinner at 5:15pm
Tigard: Wednesdays, 6pm, dinner at 5:15pm
Newberg: Wednesdays, 6pm
Christ centered ministry focused on biblical solutions to all of life’s hurts, hang-ups and habits. Regardless of what you’re struggling with– whether it’s emotional, financial, relational, spiritual, or sexual– the principles that lead to happiness and healing are always the same, and willingness is where we start. Learn more here!
Wednesdays, 6:00-7:00 am
Tigard & Newberg Campus Cafés
It is important for men to connect with one another to open up God’s word, pray and encourage one another. We meet for exactly one hour. There is value and significance in connecting with other men to open up God’s word and encourage one another. That hour we have together each week to discuss real life and authentic faith is well worth the effort!
Friday, February 7, 11:30 AM
Newberg Campus Lobby
All Prime Time Folk, those of retirement age, are invited to join us on the first Friday of the month for a potluck lunch. Please bring a main dish and a side OR a salad to share as we gather with others for a time of community and conversation. Drinks and dessert will be provided.
Saturday, February 8, 8:30-10:00 am
Newberg Campus Family Life Center and
Tigard Campus Café
Come on Super Bowl Saturday for an amazing breakfast! There will be games to play, prizes to win, challenges made, and information about our upcoming Man Camp provided. This is a great way to spend your Super Bowl Saturday morning! Sign up here!
Sunday, February 9, 2:30 PM
Newberg Campus FLC
Enjoy great food, drinks, and community while cheering your favorite team to victory at the YA Super Bowl LIX Hangout. Doors open at 2:30. Kickoff is at 3:30. Please bring an appetizer to add to our tailgate spread. Sign up here!
Tuesday, February 11, 6:30-8:00 pm
Financial Freedom Series is a series of 3 stand-alone courses designed to help people understand how to manage money in a biblical way and begin living a life free from financial worry and stress. Course 1 will focus on developing a biblical view of money, improving communication about money with your spouse, learning to follow a spending plan and creating a realistic way to get out of and stay out of debt so you can begin to win with money. Learn more and sign up here!
Thursday, February 13, 11:45AM – 1:00 PM
Tigard Campus
All Prime Time Folk are invited to bring their own brown bag lunch and gather with others for a time of community and service. In addition to opportunities for fellowship and support of one another, this monthly gathering will often offer opportunities to serve by completing small projects that support the staff and ministries of NCC.
MCMINNVILLE CAMPUS | February 14th, 10am–12pm
Kids grade K-5 are invited to join us for a free, fun, activity-filled morning. We will have inflatables, crafts, games, and more. Parents are welcome to drop their kids off and have a couple hours to themselves or stay and hang out with their kids.
Friday, February 14, 6:30 – 8:30 PM
Riddle Ranch, Newberg
Young adults are invited to a low-key, relaxed evening at the Riddle Ranch, 18100 NE Hillside Dr in Newberg. We’ll enjoy dinner together and engage in some great conversations that will strengthen our faith and help us learn more about Jesus and the Bible.
Sunday, February 16
Tigard & MAC Campuses at 11:15 AM
Newberg Campus at 11:45 AM
Starting Point is an introduction to Northwest Christian Church. This is the perfect place to begin if you are new to NCC and want to know more about us, what we believe, and who we are today. In this class we will provide a brief history of our church and explain our mission and vision. We will also explore ways to get connected at NCC, grow in your personal faith, and discover ways to serve God and others. If you would like to learn more about NCC, this is the perfect place to start. Free lunch and childcare provided. Sign up here!
Wednesday, February 19, 7:00-8:30 pm
Newberg Campus
LeRoy Lawson will share from personal experience his journey back to peace, and the tools and strategies he learned for moving forward, after his son’s death by suicide. He will talk about his sense of a loss beyond calculation, of a faith unafraid to ask questions (even of God), of a love that will not let go, and of the ultimate triumph of hope. In addition to hearing from Roy, there will also be a time for round table discussion and Q&A. RSVP HERE!
Saturday, February 22, 9:00am-4:00pm
Newberg Campus
Join us for the 6th Annual Revive Conference! Experience the powerful presence of God through moving worship, relevant and uplifting messages, and an encouraging time with other women. We’ll dive into God’s Word together and explore the boldness, faith, and determination of the women of the Bible, and learn how God at work in their stories can strengthen our faith today. You’ll be reminded of who you are in Christ, and be empowered to confidently lean into an unshakable faith in our Unshakeable God. Sign up here!
Tuesday, February 25, 5:30-7:30 pm
Newberg Campus
Middle school students, it’s time to have crazy fun! Join us for Middle School Madness. We’ll enjoy a delicious dinner together, play some exciting large group games, hear an encouraging devotion and engage in small group discussions. There will also be tons of prizes. Transportation from Tigard and MAC at 5pm, returning at 8pm.
Thursday, February 27, 11:45am
Tigard Campus Café
Are you wondering what to do with all your stuff? Are you intimidated by the thought of transitioning to a different living situation. Join us for our Prime Time lunch where guest speaker Mr. Fil Belay, Senior Manager for Caring Transitions, will share information and resources the company offers to help with things like senior relocations, downsizing and estate sales.
Friday, February 28, 6:30-8:30 PM
Newberg Campus
Young Adults, invite your friends and join us for Tacos and Trivia! We’ll enjoy a delicious taco bar and play some fun trivia games with the opportunity to win some great prizes. We’ll end the evening with dessert. This is a great opportunity to connect with other young adults. RSVP HERE!
Sunday, March 2, 12:00pm
Newberg Campus Family Life Center
Mexico Information Meeting is an opportunity for parents and students interested in participating in the 2025 High School Mexico Mission Trip to learn more about the trip and ask questions. Please join us for this important meeting if you plan on participating in, or just want to learn more about, the trip. Learn more here!
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Friday, November 8, 11:30AM-1:00PM
Newberg Campus
All Prime Time Folk, those of retirement age, are invited to bring a main dish, a side OR a salad to share and gather with others for a time of community and conversation with Pastor David Case. Come hear updates on the vision initiative and have a chance to ask questions. Please RSVP by emailing [email protected], so we know that you are coming.
Tigard: Monday, Jan 31, 9:00am-2:00pm
Every two seconds, someone in the U.S. needs blood. You can help save lives by donating blood. Make a difference in our community and help ensure blood is available whenever and wherever needed. Sign up for an appointment at, sponsor code: NWCCTigard