Men’s Community is Calling Men Out of Isolation and Into a Christ-Centered Community!

Men's Community at Northwest Christian Church

Believe Bigger, Follow Jesus Closer, and Live on Mission

Be a Part of Something Bigger Than Yourself

Life in tension is not uncommon for men, especially these days. Never before have men been caught in the tension of life more than they are today. Men’s Community understands that isolation kills and community is the cure. We are helping men find their way out of isolation and into a life lived on mission.

Throughout the year, our ministry utilizes a variety of opportunities to forge friendships, grow as leaders, and to serve others.  These include Men’s Connect Groups, outdoor activities, retreats, service opportunities, and mentoring.

Getting Connected

Men’s Community meets every Wednesday morning at the Newberg &Tigard  Campuses from 6:00-7:00 AM. 

Getting connected in community doesn’t need to be hard. Being in community allows a man to share his life experience with others as he grows in his Faith. It is here that you break the cycle of isolation and find a group of men that you want to do life with.

That is what Men’s Community is all about. We believe that studying God’s Word is essential for knowing how to be in the world but not of the world. Our studies are designed to help you look UPWARD in exploration of God, INWARD in examination of self, and OUTWARD in love and service to others. 


6:00 am – 7:00 am

Meet at:
Newberg Campus Café


6:00 am – 7:00 am

Meet at:
Tigard Campus Café



DATE:    Saturday, February 8
TIME: 8:30 – 10:00 AM
Newberg Campus Family Life Center
Tigard Campus Café

Come on Super Bowl Saturday for an amazing breakfast! There will be games to play, prizes to win, challenges made, and information about our upcoming Man Camp provided. This is a great way to spend your Super Bowl Saturday morning!


DATE:    Friday, May 17th – Sunday, May 19th
LOCATIONS:   Washington Family Camp
COST: $245 (scholarships available)

We are partnering with Into the Deep to provide this unique opportunity for men (age 13+) to be in a Christ-centered community. Join us as we explore what it takes to live a REVIVED life. Our expert speakers will lead you through the process of understanding that as men we are dead in our sin, that God gives us life through Jesus, and what it takes to find new life. How we do this as Christian men matters.

Interested in speaking to one of our pastors?

At NCC, we want to partner with you through life’s difficulties and celebrate life’s joys. If you are interested in meeting one of our pastors  or just to receive prayer, please contact us below.

Men's Ministry Pastor: Nathan Lawler
McMinnville Campus
(503) 472-1843
[email protected]
Men's Ministry Pastor: Scott Curtis
Newberg Campus
(503) 538-3104
[email protected]
Men's Ministry Pastor: Dustin Gallup
Tigard Campus
(503) 639-5713
[email protected]
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