Prime Time Ministry is a group of believers who enjoy inspirational events accompanied by good friends, food, fellowship, and opportunities to serve in other activities that foster community and discipleship.
Retirees, grandparents, or those with grown children will find other people at the same life stage that wish to remain active and involved in a community.
In addition to a monthly luncheons, we have trips to local points of interest, and various social activities scheduled throughout the year.
As a part of a church family of many generations, we strive to engage in activities and experiences which further our understanding of each other, as well as learning to mentor and serve the church of the future.
DATE: Monday, September 9 – Thursday, September 12
WHERE: Camp Wi-Ne-Ma
COST: $60 (2nd adult $55) plus housing and meal costs
Septemberfest is a wonderful time to gather on the beautiful Oregon coast for a time of relaxation and awesome snacks, while also being encouraged and growing in your faith. In addition to hearing from guest speakers Gene Sonnenberg and Gary Tiffin, there will be several fun and encouraging workshops. Please register directly with the camp if you plan to attend this conference, then register with NCC if you would like transportation from the Tigard or Newberg Campuses.
DATE: Friday, September 27
TIME: Field trip at 11:00, catered lunch after;
Tigard: meet at 9:30, return approximately 2:30
Newberg: meet at 10:15, return approximately 1:45
Mac: Meet at the Heritage Center at 11:00
WHERE: Yamhill Valley Heritage Museum
COST: $15
All Prime Time, those of retirement age, are invited to join with Prime Time members from the other campuses for a visit to the Yamhill Valley Heritage Center. The Heritage Center complex features displays showcasing the area’s agricultural history, including a collection of more than 100 antique tractors. It also includes an original 1880’s one-room schoolhouse, working blacksmith and sawmill operations. A catered lunch will be provided after the tour.
DATE: Friday, June 21
TIME: 10:30 AM – 2:00 PM
LOCATION: Oregon Rail Heritage Center, meet at each campus (see transportation times below)
COST: $5 donation for the tour and no-host lunch
All Prime Time folks, those of retirement age, are invited to join us for a trip to the Oregon Rail Heritage Center in downtown Portland celebrating Portland’s historic locomotives, railroad equipment, and artifacts. Tigard Campus member, John Holloway, will provide a tour of the center and the three vintage steam engines housed there. Following the tour, we’ll have a no-host lunch at a nearby restaurant.
Transportation will be provided to and from each campus. Bus departs promptly at the following start times:
Mac – Depart: 9:30am, Return: 3:00pm
Newberg – Depart: 10:00am, Return: 2:30pm
Tigard – Depart: 10:30am, Return: 2:00pm
Please register to reserve your spot on the bus. This will be a great opportunity not only to learn about the history of the railroads, but also to connect with others. Let Trudi Sang ([email protected]) know if you have any questions.
DATE: Monday, June 3
TIME: 9:00 – 10:30 AM
WHERE: Elmer’s Restaurant in Tigard
All Prime Time people are invited to a no-host breakfast event to enjoy networking, community, and food at Elmer’s Restaurant, 14055 SW Pacific Hwy in Tigard. No reservation is needed, just show up and join the group.
Breakfasts will usually be the first Monday of every month at 9:00am at Elmer’s in Tigard.
DATE: Thursday, June 13
TIME: 11:45 AM
WHERE: Tigard Campus, Room 201
All Prime Time people are invited to bring their own brown bag lunch and gather with others for a time of community, prayer, and praise. This monthly gathering with provide opportunities for fellowship with one another and offer relational support. At times there may be small ministry volunteer opportunities available as well. Brown Bag Lunches will usually be every 2nd Thursday of the month at 11:45am.
DATE: Friday, May 10
TIME: 11:30 AM
WHERE: Newberg Campus Lobby
Prime Timers, those of retirement age, are invited to the last luncheon before we take a break for the summer. Brianna Watt will be sharing about all of The Zone locations. Come hear about this exciting outreach to elementary schools in our area and how it is expanding. Bring your own lunch – drinks and dessert will be provided.
DATE: Friday, February 23
TIME: 10:30 AM
WHERE: Newberg Campus Lobby
Those of retirement age are invited to join us for a time of fellowship and food. It’s a great time to meet friends, old and new.