Revive Women's Conference - Beloved - 2021, Newberg Oregon Based - Virtual Attendance Available Nation Wide

Join us for the "Revive!" Women's Conference!

This year’s theme is “Beloved.”


The Revive! Women’s Conference will be taking place on February 20, 2021! This year’s theme is “Beloved”. We will be focusing on how our identity in Christ is shaped by knowing and experiencing God’s love for us.

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Speakers List - 2021

 Our keynote speakers will be sharing from stories of different women in the Bible who experienced God’s love in amazing ways, finding their identity as His beloved daughters! Learn how your story is woven into God’s greater story, as we worship and dive into God’s Word together.

Our keynote speakers this year are Bo Stern-Brady, Jane Johnson and Melissa Campbell.

Join us at the Newberg campus on February 20th from 8:30am-3:00pm for 3 keynote and worship sessions, as well as a catered lunch. 


Conference Passes

In Person Tickets cost $40
and include:

  • Live In-Person Conference

  • 3 Keynote and Worship Sessions

  • Delicious Catered Lunch, Snacks and Coffee

  • Digital Access to all 7 Breakout Sessions through Sept 30, 2021

Bonus Sessions

This year, your registration also includes 7 bonus video breakout sessions that you will have digital access to watch whenever you want following the conference. This allows you to catch all 8 breakout sessions, without having to choose!


To view the conference schedule: Click Here!

Attending "REVIVE!" In Newberg, Oregon

This is a digital conference put on by Revive Ministries, but we have a special opportunity to experience it live at the Newberg campus, where it will be filmed and live streamed to women all over the U.S. joining us online.


Revive Women's Conference - Beloved - 2021, Newberg Oregon Based - Virtual Attendance Available Nation Wide
“It’s All in the Name” – Stephanie Broersma
What chains are holding you back? What labels or lies have you believed keeping you from walking out God’s purpose in your life? Break through the chains of lies and mistaken identities while embracing the truth about Who God is and what He says about your name. Learn practical steps to freedom as you embrace the child of God you were created to be.

“Loving Well” – Katrina McCain
We live in a society that is obsessed with finding love, but God desires that we become love rather than demand to be loved. In this break out session, we will take a closer look at Scripture that calls us to love well — no matter the person, the situation or the offense.

“Finding Identity in the Midst of Suffering” – Amanda Swick
Often when we are going through difficulties, it can become easy for it to become the defining factor in our lives. In the story of the woman with on-going bleeding in Luke 8:43-48, we see that when human eyes saw only saw suffering, Jesus saw infinitely more. Amanda will help us learn to find our identity in Jesus instead of our circumstances.

“Finding Your ‘Supply’ in the Lord” – Jan Lefebvre
When you find yourself running on empty, what do you do? Jan Lefebvre will share some thoughts and hopefully some inspiration for you to fill your jar of oil to the brim with faithfulness, strength, wisdom, perseverance and hopefully a dash of humor!
“The Beloved Friend” – Kara Deal

Join us as we examine the hard and holy work of treating others well by believing you yourself has value. We will look at examples of faith stories in the Bible where believers had to first see their inherent value given to them by God before they were able to love others the way God intends.

“Experiencing the Love of Christ” – Melissa Campbell

Do you believe that God loves you? I mean really loves you, as you are right now? When we see ourselves through the eyes of Christ, we begin to experience God’s love and that changes everything. Learn how to bring your heart, imperfections, scars and all to Jesus and truly experience the love of God.

“Living Your Purpose as a Martha or Mary Woman” – Dawn Kaiser

In this session, you are invited to exchange comparison for contentment and discover how to live your energizing and audacious purpose whether you are a Martha or a Mary woman. Through her own story and rich biblical stories, Dawn reminds you that it’s not important whether you sit and listen or stand and work, what matters is your spiritual posture of a beloved daughter who knows she was created for such a time as this and that she is loved for who she is, not for who she thinks she needs to be.


In-Person Passes

Limited in-person spots are available, so be sure to register soon. (In-person attendance subject to change per city/state Covid guidelines) 

Virtual Passes

If you are unable to join us in-person, that’s okay! You can still register for an online only experience. The NCC member rate for the online-only experience is $25 per person.

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