Based on his book called “With A Strength Not My Own,” in this series, Roy helps us focus on where our strength truly comes from.

Episode 1

Roy Lawson begins this new series focusing on where our strength comes from.

Episode 2

Roy explores what it means to be like a child in the Kingdom of God.

Episode 3

Roy explores the essence of wisdom, and what we can learn from children.

Episode 4

Roy continues the theme of weakness and strength by focusing on the Beatitudes.

Episode 5

Roy tackles the question, “How do we walk by faith?”

Episode 6

Roy looks at what James and Paul have to say about joy and how we can apply it to our lives.

Episode 7

Roy Lawson reminds us that we don’t have to rely on ourselves alone, but we can rely on God—and on God’s Word—for strength.  This brings us joy.

Episode 8

Roy Lawson talks about prayer and the power of God.

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